Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Murano Glass Gallery of GINO CENEDESE

This gallery of art glass includes pieces known to be designed and created by Murano Glass artisan Gino Cenedese (circa 1940-1950's) and the Cenedese foundry artisans, including Alfredo Barbini (circa 1940's), Fulvio Bianconi (circa 1950's), and Antonia DaRos (circa 1940's).

Cased Opal and Yellow Bowl

Murano Glass Gallery of the AVeM Foundry

Arte Vetraria Muranese

In 1932, Arte Vetraria Muranese, often referred to as AVeM, was founded by several glassblowers - Antonio Luigi Ferro, his son Egidio Ferro, Emilio Nason, and Galliano Ferro. The technical director was Giulio Radi. It is known the some early designs were created by noted painter Vittori Zecchin.

The AVeM studio is best know for the "Tutti Frutti" range of bowls and vases popularized from the 1950's, and attributed to artisan Dino Martens. Other noted AVeM foundry artisans include Ansolo Fuga, Georgio Ferro.

Here is a gallery of art glass known to be designed and created by the Murano Glass artisans at AVeM.

Traditional Confetti Millefiori Bowl

Murano Glass Gallery of DINO MARTENS

Here is a gallery of art glass known to be designed and created by Murano Glass artisan Dino Martens (circa 1940-1950's). Martens is a master artisan and specialized in the art glass techniques of "a mace", pittorico, and lattissimo.

A Mace - an art glass design technique meaning "with spots"

Pittorico - an art glass design technique referring to a pictorial or painter-like pattern

Lattissimo - an art glass design technique referring to ribbons that resemble lattice-work,
                   many times appearing as a ladder-like pattern, often twisted and spiraled

Pastel Twisted Ribbon and Gold Adventurine Bowl (top view)

Pastel Twisted Ribbon and Gold Adventurine Bowl (side view)

Primary Ribbon and White Lattisimo Bowl

Murano Glass Gallery of ERCOLE BAROVIER

Here is a gallery of art glass known to be designed and created by Murano Glass artisan Ercole Barovier (circa 1930-1940's) and the Barovier foundry artisans Aureliano Toso (circa 1940-1950's), Archimede Seguso (circa 1950's), and Dino Martens.

Black and Gold Swirl Adventurine Clamshell Dish

Teal, Green and Gold Scalloped Circus Tent Bowl

Jeweltone and Gold Adventurine Scalloped Bowl

Monday, February 28, 2011

Murano Glass Gallery of FRATELLI TOSO

Here is a gallery of art glass known to be designed and created by Murano Glass artisan Fratelli Toso and family foundry artisans Reneta Toso and Ermanno Toso.

Blue Green and White Gold Adventurine Pinwheel Bowl

Red Bullicante Vortex Bowl
Black and Red Adventurine Dish

Pink and White Bullicante Basket
Spotted Opaline Murrino Cowrie Dish

Pink and White Zanfirico Ribbons Folded Swirl Dish
Rainbow Stripes Filigrana Dish
"Starry Nights" Blue and Gold Adventurine Dish

Murano Glass Gallery of ARCHIMEDE SEGUSO

Here is a gallery of art glass known to be designed and created by Murano Glass artisan Archimede Seguso and the Seguso Vetri D'Arte foundry artisans, including Giampaolo Seguso Flavio Poli Mario Pinsoni.

Two-tone Blue Opal Paisley Bowl

Cream and Cobalt Gold Dust Bowl

Salmon and Gold Dust Geode Bowl

Yellow Cream and Gold Adventurine Sculpted Bowls
Fuschia and White Gold Adventurine Sculpted Bowl
Emerald Green and Gold Adventurine Swirl Bowl
Gold Swirl Bowl by Toso Seguso Zanfirico

Murano Glass Gallery of ALFREDO BARBINI

Here is a gallery of art glass known to be designed and created by Murano Glass artisan Alfredo Barbini.

Sky Blue and Gold Swirl Dish
Blue Glass Sfumato Bowl featuring controlled bubbled stars
Blue Gray and Gold Bullicante Bowl featuring controlled bubbles
Gold and Silver Puelgoso Bowl

Green and Gold Pearl Lattimo Bowl
Opal and Copper Adventurine Bowl

Tangerine and Gold Ashtray and Lighter with controlled bubbles
Cased Glass Fruit Dishes (Pear, Apple) Tangerine interior with Pearl Gold Adventurine exterior
Pink Adventurine Bowl

Pink and White Circus Tent Bowls
Light Blue and White Folded Circus Tent Dish

Black and White Circus Tent Bowl
Pink and White Folded Circus Tent Dish

Murano Glass of PAOLO VENINI

Here is a gallery of art glass known to be designed and created by Murano Glass artisan Paolo Venini.
and the Venini foundry artisans, including Alfredo Barbini, Carlo Scarpa (circa 1920-1930's),  Fulvio Bianconi (circa 1950-1960's), Napoleon Martinuzzi (circa 1930’s), Tappio Wirkkala (circa 1960's), Vittorio Zecchin (circa 1920’s), Tyra Lundgren (circa 1930’s), Fratelli Toso (circa 1940’s), Gio Ponti (circa 1940-1950's), Arturo Boboli Biasutto (circa 1950's), and Salviati (circa pre1930).

Square Amber Ashtray  - with controlled bubbles
Red Bullicante Bowl - with controlled bubbles